Take a break from the torturous/embarrassing questions 'round the Thanksgiving table, and drop some good ol' knowledge on your peeps. You can thusly be deemed "The drunk-yet-knows stuff Uncle Larry." It's a step up from just being drunk and pathetic. You can thank WalletHub for their hard work and wealth of knowledge that you'll take credit for. While passing the mashed potatoes, you could drop this gem: $313 is what the average person spends over the five-day Thanksgiving period. (Guess that's Wednesday through Sunday?) While going for that second helping, keep in mind that it will take 10 hours and 33 minutes to burn the 4,500 calories consumed at the average Thanksgiving meal. WTH are you eating!?!? And please, no deep frying the turkey near the house. Property loss caused by residential fires each Thanksgiving is around $19 million. Enjoy your feast, and your fat, lazy nap... P.S. Here’s some more stuff you can read-up on while stuffing the stuffing. Comments are closed.
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June 2020