New England is known for: Fall foliage Clam chowder Johnny cakes And…. Max Ater We’ll be honest. We were first attracted to his song “Easy” before we’d even heard a note-- because of his cuteness. We were concerned that he’s just a pretty face. But we are gladly wrong. Dude’s got talent, which is coincidental since he won “Maine’s Got Talent” in 2012. “I’d consider my crowning achievement as a songwriter so far to be my single Easy. I wrote it at a really rough time in my life and it’s a testament to what happens when I let my life flow onto paper which is surprisingly rare to achieve. This tune however, just came to me, and watching Karl Anderson lay a unique musical foundation under the lyrics was the perfect way to wrap it all up,” said Max. P.S. We originally misread Max Ater and thought his name was Max Eater… which would make for a good porno name, if the music thing doesn’t pan out. There’s nothing wrong with a little girl power—and owning who you are and what you’re about. That’s why we’re digging this tune from Little Mix (w/Nicki Minaj). Great groove. Awesome lyrics. A pinch of ‘tude. We're feeling the need to crawl around in some slinky catsuit when we hear this song. Not that we’d necessarily look good in a catsuit because if we’re crawling around on the floor gravity will take hold. But who cares. Plus, if we compare ourselves to Nicki’s massive “assive”, we’re good. Seattle artist and producer SYML proves there’s love for everyone with his track “Clean Eyes.” “I wrote (this song) as an outlet to express my least favorite thing about myself, that I’m a cynic. I think that is one of the most ugly traits a person can have. Somehow, I found someone who loves me through my cynicism, and shows me the world through her beautiful and honest lens,” said Brian Fennell (aka SYML). What we dig about the track? We didn’t expect such a bright-sounding song coming from a cynic. This is good dance-around-the-house material. Go ahead and shake that boootaaaay! Consistency is an accomplishment. And when it’s good consistency, well, we all win. Thank you, O.A.R., for always hittin’ us with hit tracks. “Miss You All The Time” is another example of why these dudes have been in the music game since the mid-90s. They know how to put together a track that keeps you humming along even when it’s over. Ready for a listen? "I really like dem oar guys." Anonymous radio listener "You mean O.A.R?" Radio announcer "Yup. Dem guys, too." Anonymous radio listener "Sigh." Radio announcer Pressure can be a good thing. For instance, that’s the name of the new single from Muse. It’s like a one of those deep tissue massages—feels good, but hurts just a little. Get ready for their new album November 9th entitled: Simulation Theory. We think the music’s gotten better since Matthew Bellamy and actress Kate Hudson parted ways. Sometimes the cooch is a curse. Meg Myers new single “Jealous Sea” is clever. Not only for the wordplay but, the overall feel of the track. It’s a little dirty. The good kind of dirty. Not the kind that requires penicillin. Feels like the type of tune that would serve as a mating dance, but with better moves. Meg channeled real-life experience for the lyrics. “… I had a fiancée at the time (she wrote the song). He was on tour. We were both struggling with jealousy, so it was kind of about both of us. Because I was either on the road or he was on the road and we were both really jealous,” said Meg. The video, directed by Clara Aranovich, follows Meg walking the streets of L.A. at night as she embraces her inner powers and wild side. Grrr! P.S. Wish we had a limo driver like Meg does. We got excited when we got an email with the subject line: Wonder Woman, because we are all about our superheroes. Wonder Woman is da bomb! And we thought Waterloo Revival covered the theme song from the TV show from the 70s. #Nope Sigh. But that’s okay. We give Waterloo Revival props for their turn of phrase on their tune, "Wonder Woman": “It’s A Wonder/Woman/That somebody set you free/It’s like I walked right into a dream” Plus, if a pair of country cuties wants to buy us an adult beverage to get us over a breakup—okie dokie! See what we mean: America! But we're in the mood to reminisce about our childhood days of wanting to become Wonder Woman. We’re gonna go spin around real fast so we can change into our WW costume, get dizzy, then jump off the front porch railing, like we did as a kid-- onto the lawn. This time though, dad’s not around to laugh at us…. And honestly, we’ll probably get injured because we’re not 5-years-old anymore. Nothing beats a good pop earworm. “Grafeful” from 13 Crowns (ft. Poo Bear) has all the pop juiciness that you won’t be able to get out of your head. We are all about the positive lyrics: “Blessed to wake up another day/Blessed to put a smile on my face/Ainʼt no time to stress what a waste/Thereʼs so much to be grateful for/Blessed to be a blessing again” The piano makes us so happy. It’s light, fun, trancy. You can’t help but smile when this track is on. Plus, who doesn't like a Poo Bear? Especially one that's quite the songwriter and performer?: 13 Crowns is a family thang. Reminds us of The Jets back in the 80s ("Crush on You"). The seven oldest of 13 siblings from SoCal decided to get together and bring their pop flavor to us. We’re glad they did. And if you can really put on a crown, do it. We're all kings and queens. Who cares who’s lookin’! They call themselves LSD. A clever play on the illicit drug—without needing to involve the authorities. LSD stands for Labrinyth, Sia, and Diplo--- the artists that bring us “Thunderclouds”. We don’t know how these artists got together. Maybe there’s this secret location where all these important recording industry types sit and conspire collaborations between artists that may make them the most money. Like some evil lair you’d see on American Horror Story. Whatevs. That potential evil conspiring has resulted in a delicious track that has a really cool, laid-back vibe to it. Think of a sunny day; You’ve got your shades on, the windows down; Your destination—nowhere in particular. Yeah… cruisin’ right along. Plus, we must admit-- Sia is a total bizarro. And we LOVE this picture. Sia's the one in the middle that rarely shows her face. We want to wear her outfit while grocery shopping. Or while out in the yard pickin’ up the dog poo. Warning: You’ve officially entered a snark-free zone. We came across this tune from Badflower. The track is entitled: “Ghost”. It moved us to tears: Life is both beautiful and cruel. And so worth living. Don’t miss out. |
AuthorHaus of V is a creative collective that shares a similar mindset -- with a twist. Archives
June 2020