It’s official. The World Health Organization has added video game addiction to its international Classification of Diseases database. Video game addiction is characterized by “a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior” that “takes precedence over other life interests.” Experts say only a small fraction of gamers will develop “gaming disorder”, but there have been reports of people who have played for 20 hours straight, missing meals, not sleeping, skipping work and school, and checking out of other typical activities. Okay. How do you treat this? Will medication be prescribed? I’m sure the WHO will have recommendations in the upcoming months. We’ve been known to play a game for a good straight hour. But If you’re gonna go blind from something, wouldn’t you rather… you know…? We’re not making fun of any illness. But we wonder if we develop this illness if that means we don’t have to work anymore… Women do it all. Women are conditioned to believe—from childhood—that they can do it all. There’s nothing wrong with that philosophy, until it takes a toll on one’s health. Women take care of business, take care of the home, and take care of the kids. But they are not taking care of themselves. Proof positive--78% of women surveyed say they put-off taking care of themselves because they are taking care of everyone else’s health. Not good. Walgreens is trying to raise women’s health awareness by enlisting the help of four famous women with health issues to be the voices of its “Wake Up Call” campaign. These ladies share tips and tricks for remembering to take meds, as well as their own stories on social media in the upcoming weeks. The celebs include: Fran Drescher, Star of The Nanny; Uterine Cancer Survivor Jaime-Lynn Sigler, Star of The Sopranos; Living with Multiple Sclerosis Megan Park, Star of The Secret Life of the American Teenager; Living with rheumatoid arthritis Dr. Jackie Walters, Licensed OBGYN; Married to Medicine cast member; Breast cancer survivor Ladies: take care of your health first. Because we need you here to take care of us. Seriously. We’re not gonna lie. We can't be left to our own devices... We’re gonna get personal here. Really personal. Because we’re friends. Got a bladder leak issue? It happens—whether from a cough, sneeze, laugh, over-exertion, or childbirth. It’s crucial to strengthen the pelvic floor—and Kegels aren’t gettin’ it done. Get rid of the diapers and pads, and forget surgery. Attain may be the answer. The device automatically performs the correct Kegel exercises every time to help women strengthen their pelvic floor. Short daily sessions of e-stimulation enable women to learn to contract, relax, and strengthen those muscles in the privacy of their own homes. Here’s to awesome Kegels! We’re going to work on some kegs and eggs. The time is here to get out and enjoy all that warm weather has to offer. Unfortunately, not all summer-related things are fun. Like ticks. (Aside: what purpose does a tick serve? Seriously. Don’t even get us started on mosquitoes.) Female ticks lay about 2-3,000 eggs in the spring. And despite the best prevention tactics, you can still suffer a bite. Now what? Dr. Bill Rawls has some need-to-know info: AFTER THE BITE: During the transition of Borrelia microbes entering the system, the symptoms of initial infection can occur. Immediate recognition by the immune system prevents overwhelming infection, so symptoms are generally mild. Typically, most people have a benign flu-like syndrome that lasts a week or more, but often noticeable symptoms don’t occur at all. Rarely is acute infection with Borrelia ever enough to put someone in bed. Potential symptoms: Low-grade fever, occasional chills, fatigue, stiff neck, rash around tick bite, transient muscle aches. STAGES OF LYME DISEASE: Lyme disease is often divided into three stages, early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated, but the difference between the latter two stages is often arbitrary. Clinically, separating Lyme disease into initial infection associated with acute tick bite and chronic Lyme disease is more useful. The longer a person has had symptoms of Lyme disease, generally the more difficult the recovery process. If Lyme disease becomes chronic, it can make you miserable for a lifetime and will cause you to age faster, but it is unlikely to kill you directly. ACUTE vs. CHRONIC LYME DISEASE: Doctors (sometimes) recognize acute Lyme Disease, but say the chronic condition doesn't exist, despite many thousands of sufferers. So what’s the difference between acute and chronic Lyme Disease? A lot. With acute Lyme Disease, you’ve got a microbe that has never entered your system before that enters through a tick bite, and it can be one microbe or different microbes. If your immune system is strong, that reaction may be very mild, or you might not experience any symptoms at all. The most common presentation of chronic Lyme disease is gradual onset. It’s a disruption of the entire microbiome and a disruption to the whole immune system which becomes a chronic misery that lasts a lifetime. ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY vs. NATURAL THERAPY: At least half of people with an infected tick bite will develop fatigue and migrating arthritis within weeks to months after completing antibiotic therapy (so called post-Lyme syndrome). All of the recommended protocols depend on development of symptoms to initiate therapy. Herbs can safely be taken concurrently with antibiotic therapy. Herbal therapy has the advantage of both suppressing microbes and enhancing immune function at the same time and can be safely continued for an indefinite period of time beyond antibiotics without concerns for causing harm. There’s nothing wrong with seeking medical treatment. Better safe than sorry. Move over alcohol. Drug-impaired driving is becoming a more common danger on our roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council have launched a new national campaign to change public perception of driving after using marijuana. The theme: “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different” According to NHTSA’s last national roadside survey, from 2007-2013 there was a 48% increase in weekend nighttime drivers who tested positive for the presence of cannabis. Using marijuana can decrease a driver’s focus, impair their judgment of time and distance, and slow their reaction time. Don’t be foolish. Have your fun, but stay out of your car. Got it? While you're cleaning out your drawers and closets and garages of things that no longer spark joy in your life, why not take a stab at Spring cleaning your mind? Dr. Frieda Birnbaum is a Research Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, and a mother of five. So that makes her an expert in mind stuff. Here’s how to sweep it clean. De-Clutter Your House & Computer If you have stacks of junk mail, old bills, or items you no longer use – get rid of them. If you have old clothes that you no longer wear, donate them to a respected charity. Go through your computer and remove as many unnecessary files, emails, and photos as you can. Doing these activities is a powerful affirmation of de-cluttering. When we have less clutter, our minds can be at greater ease and we can think more clearly. Meditation Yes, sitting still for a prolonged period of time with your eyes closed can seem like a daunting activity (especially for people who check their phones every five minutes). However, countless studies reveal that mediation is not only good for your mind but, for your body. Meditation makes you focus all of your energy into the present moment. When we are fully present, our capability to successfully engage challenges can increase substantially. Disconnect An old saying is “You are who you hug.” Think about the people who you are in regular contact with and think about how these people make you feel. If they make you feel upset or they are verbally abusive towards you, limiting contact or disconnecting from them. Face One Fear When we challenge ourselves and when we push out of our comfort zones, we grow. Write down a list of all of your fears (public speaking, the dark, etc.) and make a concerted attempt to face one of them. When you confront fear successfully, it can affect all aspects of your life for the better as well give you a confidence boost. Detach from Social Media Some people regularly post on social media faux versions of who they really are. Try taking a break from social media or use it less. Reconnect Reach out to friends, relatives or even acquaintances that you haven’t spoken with in a long time. It will make you feel good. Also, try re-taking up a hobby or an activity you enjoyed when you were younger. Reconnect to people, places, and activities that made you feel happy. Forgive & Seek Forgiveness If someone from your past or present has hurt you, do whatever you can to take steps towards forgiving them (even if they’re not seeking forgiveness). A lot of inner anguish and pain can result from the negative emotions we feel about others. In addition to forgiving others, try to forgive yourself for things you are feeling guilty about. If you have hurt others, seek them out and tell them how sorry you are. By doing this you may not only be bringing a substantial amount of peace to them but, to you as well. How Crack Wise clears the mind: Put on some tunes—dance like you don’t care. Binge watch reality TV, because nothing is more vapid (no concentration needed for entertainment). Eat a bean burrito or two to “cleanse” your system. Repeat until you feel better… or feel regret. Computers, cell phones, the internet—these are all fab inventions. But what do we consider one of the most overlooked and unappreciated? Liquid body wash. Bars of soap are so… ick. But, there are some folks that live and die by the bar. We respect that. If that’s the case, then you really need SoapStandle. It’s a small, inconspicuous standle that sinks its “teeth” into any size or type of bar soap. It elevates the soap, allowing air to circulate around the bar for it to properly dry. That’s goo-d. Eighty-percent of common infections are spread by hands, which means, your favorite bar soap in its present state is a germ/bacteria orgy. Oh, and you’ll extend the life of your bar soap by 30 percent.
If research proves something, then it must be true. We can get behind this research that shows green space and landscaping contribute to health, happiness, and intellect. Even better? There is a direct correlation between human health, particularly related to stress, and the importance of people’s access to nature and managed landscapes.
Kris Kiser, president and CEO of Outdoor Power Equipment Institute said, “Numerous studies have found that people who spend more time outside or are exposed to living landscapes are happier, healthier, and smarter.” Here are five health benefits of green: Getting dirty is actually good for you. Soil is the new Prozac, according to Dr. Christopher Lowry, a neuroscientist at the University of Bristol in England. Mycobacterium vaccae in soil mirrors the effect on neurons that Prozac provides. The bacterium stimulates serotonin production, which explains why people who spend time gardening and have direct contact with soil feel more relaxed and happier. Children who are raised on farms in a “dirtier” environment than an urban setting not only have a stronger immune system but are also better able to manage social stress, according to the National Academy of Sciences. Living near living landscapes can improve your mental health. Researchers in England found that people moving to greener areas experienced an immediate improvement in mental health that was sustained for at least three years after they moved. Greening of vacant urban areas in Philadelphia reduced feelings of depression by 41.5% and reduced poor mental health by 62.8% for those living near the vacant lots, according to a study by a research team. Green spaces can make you healthier too. People who live within a half mile of green space (such parks, public gardens, and greenways) were found to have a lower incidence of fifteen diseases by Dutch researchers — including depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, asthma and migraines. Living landscapes make you smarter. Children gain attention and working memory benefits when they are exposed to greenery, says a study led by Payam Dadvand of the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, In addition, exposure to natural settings may be widely effective in reducing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children. Living landscapes help you heal faster. Multiple studies have discovered that plants in hospital recovery rooms or views of aesthetically-pleasing gardens help patients heal up to one day faster than those who are in more sterile or austere environments. Physicians are now prescribing time outdoors for some patients, according to recent reports. This is a prescription we want! This may be a conversation that will never go away: Using contraceptives. More specifically, condoms, during sexual activity. It appears both men and women believe the disease-and-potential baby-protector interferes with happy-fun-time. Sigh. Adam & Eve routinely conducts surveys of its customers. They found that over half of the adults polled—55%-- said the use of condoms interferes with their love game. Dr. Jenni Skyler, Adam & Eve Sexologist (we need a job with a cool made-up title) encourages adults to sample different sizes, styles and brands of condoms to find the right… fit. "Condoms are still a necessity for most people who engage in sexual activities. With the wide variety of styles, designs and materials available in condoms today, I recommend couples explore the different options until they find one that suits their needs." We think Adam & Eve needs to go deeper with their research. Because we think the condoms aren’t the issue. It’s the mental fog of the participants. When the army is up and ready to do battle, there’s only one mission: raid the cave. Bombs may be going off all around you, but the missile is aimed and ready. Rational thought like: “Maybe I should protect my junk in case this skank has a wildfire in her compartment and things might melt off.” Or, “His Oscar Mayer could be a wight. Dead and on its last legs.” We need to invent some kind of instant condom, or a robot that’s hanging around to help out when the time is right. Stop being lazy when getting laid! Respect the fruit bowl and the cookie jar! |
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June 2020