the wise files:
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Shame Nation Citizen
There's a lot going on here. Tools. Boxes. Prescriptions. I've seen this on Dateline NBC. Or documentaries about serial killers. So, I might be living with Ted Bundy, or a slob. At least all this crap is in one area. An area that happens to be the pathway to the kitchen.
Shame Nation Citizen
My husband left these water bottle caps by the coffee maker. Does he want me to wash them? Is he saving these as nipple covers? Or is he most likely too lazy to take the 5 steps to the trash can to throw these away? Or maybe a fairy needs to sip some water and these are for her. Sigh.
Shame Nation Citizen
My husband walked by this coffee filter several times, but is apparently blind. Or waiting for me to pick it up, which I did. But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. Perhaps this filter was trying to escape its fate and was on its way out the door when I caught it. Or, my husband is a slob. Or hanging with a Mennonite.
Shame Nation Citizen
My spouse always "reminds" me to make sure the door snakes are against the door so the heat/AC doesn't escape. Well, guess who doesn't usually remember to snake the door? You got it! And guess what makes a great tripping device-- for me?
Shame Nation Citizen
I really don't know what's going on here. My husband's comfy pants tossed on the end table with a glass of water. If he were too hot for his pants, then drink the water to cool down! Or were his pants actually thirsty? Or on fire...
Shame Nation Citizen
This is my husband. Kudos for remembering to actually use a Q-tip to clean your ears. But the trash can is literally right there. Oh, why don't you clean you ears in your own bathroom. Perhaps he was just leaving me a tip.
Shame Nation Citizen
While I'm the first violator for leaving my DVD in the player, my hubs could've put the DVD back in the case. That it's sitting on. Maybe he was telling me I'm the slob? No. We know the true offender here. Right?
Shame Nation Citizen
As an experiment, I left this mail where I found it-- just to see how long it would take for anyone else in the household to pick it up. It sat here. For days. Until I picked it up. As usual.
Shame Nation Citizen
Is there a special prize for collecting these Breathe Right backings? Perhaps this wrench? Which I don't understand why it's in the bedroom. Unless my man needed to loosen a nut of some sort...
Shame Nation Citizen
That thing with the black lid? That's the trash can. See that dirty napkin? Yeah. In one move, that napkin could easily be tossed. But apparently the male human hand can only toss certain things...
AuthorThe citizens of Shame Nation are the slobs of the world. Some we love; Some we don't. Let's show the receipts. Archives
August 2022